Lunch with our mission partners, Wayne and Sue Robinson
All of our Sunday teaching and sermons – browse through the collection or filter to find what you’re looking for. You can also subscribe to our sermon feed on iTunes here.
Lunch with our mission partners, Wayne and Sue Robinson
If you’re 18-30, you’re invited to the Young Adults BBQ at the Youth Centre
Our summer reading recommendation is Can We Trust The Gospels by Peter J Williams. Invite a friend to read and discuss what you have learned on 8 September. Come with your guest and your questions.
Learn how to defend your faith with arguments that are easy to understand and share
The third scrapbooking event has been rescheduled to 20 July (from 6 July)
On 30 June & 1 July, we will get together again to connect over chat, games, meals and “fill in the details” on how we will better reach, restore and release Men in our community from Autumn 2023. Come see and play your part in the discussion
Chalfont St Peter Feast Day is on 24 June. If you are available to help, please contact James Simmons.
Ladies Pub Night at The Jolly Farmer
On Sunday 4th June at 3pm Amersham Free Church will be hosting a Trumpet and Organ Concert
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