Dear Friends,
I thought I would talk about Lent. What is it all about? Lent is an important time of year in the Christian calendar. Lent is seen as a time of solemn observance and preparation for the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus at Easter. From its start on Ash Wednesday until its conclusion before Easter Sunday, Lent has been a traditional time for fasting or giving something up or abstinence.
The word “Lent” comes from the Old English word “lengten,” which simply means “spring” — when the days lengthen and new life springs forth. It is, to borrow a phrase from C.S. Lewis, a season of a kind of “happiness and wonder that makes you serious.” Fun fact to start a conversation with your neighbour.
Christians will observe Lent in many ways. Some fast from some non-necessities like chocolate, TV, or some other personal luxury, and replace them with special devotions and prayers of repentance, charity and hope for renewal.
This year, Men’s Breakfast invites everyone to a series of 6 Lunch and Learn sessions on Mondays at mid-day from 27 February to 3 April (1210-1250) throughout Lent. We will explore how our faith can grow in confidence through being convinced and through community, compassion, consistency, competence, and courage (6Cs).
Curious? Come along and satisfy that curiosity and meet others you may or may not know. Join us for one or more weeks. Choice is yours.
If those timings don’t work for you, we can recommend a six-week series on YouTube by Professor N.T. Wright called the “People of Promise” reflecting on the rhythms of Lent. You could share or view it with your neighbour.
To join us on one of our lunch & learn sessions – click here or see info below. Be great to see you.
Ridgely for the Men’s Breakfast Team

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Weekly: Lunch & Learn Lent Sessions (6)
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