Our creative ministry and worship sessions take place twice a month. Join us on 12 & 27 February.
All of our Sunday teaching and sermons – browse through the collection or filter to find what you’re looking for. You can also subscribe to our sermon feed on iTunes here.
Our creative ministry and worship sessions take place twice a month. Join us on 12 & 27 February.
The elders are calling the church to prayer and worship and to increase our engagement in spiritual warfare. There are several new weekly times of corporate prayer.
This is the first in a series of meetings for Christians to come together and be led in a discussion about current world affairs. This month will be on the subject of Israel and the conflict in Gaza.
We are screening the movie The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe in The Hub. This will be valuable preparation as we invite guests to our Narnia Experience. Please sign up if you plan to attend.
We are “adopting” the Malay in Malaysia as our Unreached People group in 2024
After the second gathering this Sunday, there will be a meeting for anyone and everyone who is or wants to be involved in the Narnia project.
From the 5th to the 14th January we will have 10 days of prayer, worship and fasting
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