Church Membership

Why become a member?

Gold Hill Baptist Church as a local family of believers is ultimately led by its members making key decisions at the church meeting. Here information is shared with members, and the membership as a whole take important decisions together relating to the church’s vision, strategy, resources and finances.

It is thus vital that all committed Christians who sense that they are part of \God’s family here at Gold Hill are full members. This ensures that everyone is committed to working together for God’s purposes here, has the opportunity to be fully informed about developments in and through the church, and to participate in the church’s key decisions. As committed Christians together we are guided by the Holy Spirit.

In addition, membership ensures that we are more fully committed to each other – the individual to the church family and the church family to the individual. Being more engaged in church life means that we have greater opportunity to inform, support and encourage individual members, and individuals have more opportunity to use their God-given gifts to work together for God’s purposes.

How do I become a member?

According to the constitution of Gold Hill, membership is open to everyone who holds the doctrines commonly called evangelical, especially that Jesus is the incarnate Son of God, and that the Bible is the Word of God, and usually that has been baptised by immersion as a believer. Full membership is open to all aged 16 or over.

This website provides information about the history, beliefs and practices, structure and operation of Gold Hill, together with details of our expectations of church members. If you want to become a member, one or more of the current elders will run through this with you, and also ask you to share your own faith journey and engagement today with the fellowship at Gold Hill. After discussion, each person would if appropriate be recommended to the Church Meeting (providing a summary paragraph about themselves and a photograph to aid wider recognition)

What are the responsibilities of Church Members?

The constitution (standing orders) of Gold Hill Baptist Church outlines the responsibilities of all church members as follows:

  • To live a life consistent with the gospel and worthy of our high calling gin Christ in the constant fullness and power of the Holy Spirit
  • To attempt by personal invitation, hospitality and visitation to introduce and bring others to the Lord Jesus Christ and to witness to Jesus Christ by word and deed – taking part in and facilitating the evangelization of the world
  • To spend time every day in prayer and reading the Scriptures
  • To share each Sunday in the corporate worship of the church, unless otherwise committed or unavoidably prevented and to be regular in the observance of the Lord’s supper
  • To fulfil the ministry of intercession both privately and by being present, whenever possible, at meetings for corporate prayer
  • To encourage and be encouraged by one another and to live in loyal love and friendship with all other members of the church
  • To take some part in the work of the Church according to calling, gifts and opportunities
  • To accept personal responsibility for the government of the local church by being present, whenever possible, at church meetings (by sharing in the decisions made affecting the church’s life) and by encouraging and supporting the leadership
  • To set aside and give a sum of money regularly to the church for the work of God’s kingdom at home and overseas
  • To attend and support his or her life group (or other small/accountability) group whenever possible

Membership Status

Church members are eligible to have a voice and a vote in church meetings and to hold an office (as deacon or elder) or leadership position in the church family.

When members relocate, they will normally request a transfer to the church family into which they are settling in the new location. They will normally remain in membership at Gold Hill until they have identified and are involved in their new spiritual home, and at such stage may maintain contact with Gold Hill as a Friend

Where by choice members cease to attend Gold Hill (and are thus no longer actively engaged in the life of the church) they will be asked if they wish to cancel their membership and retain connection as a Friend of Gold Hill.

Very rarely, a member might be asked by the eldership to withdraw their membership due to spiritual, moral, or relational practices outside those indicated in Scripture. Should a member’s behaviour be considered incompatible with the Christian profession, a conversation would be held with two elders at an early stage, followed by loving counsel and if necessary a caution.

The membership roll shall be revisited at least annually according to current data protection legislation. No name will be transferred from the church membership roll without if at all possible due notice to and discussion with the person concerned. Transfer of names shall be subject to approval by vote at the church meeting. Reasons for transfer to Friends’ or Records Roll status would normally be relocation out of the district permanently, such that pastoral care can no longer be exercised over them.

Next Step

If you would like to explore membership of Gold Hill then please talk to one of the elders or send an email to