Men’s Breakfast

1st February 2025

Men’s Breakfast will be held in rooms 6, 7 and 8 on the top floor on 1st February, starting at 8:30 a.m. and ending by 10:00 a.m. Come along for breakfast, worship, and prayer. Bring a friend.

If you are likely to attend, please send Ray a text 07802 306210 so that we know how much food to prepare.

  • Cooked full English Breakfast – £5 (not available in rooms 6, 7 and 8)
  • Continental breakfast – £3
  • Tea and coffee – Free

There will be no Zoom option until further notice.

Want to know more? Please call Ray Clark (07802 306210), Viv Barber (07979 800804) or Terry Charles (07816 421807).

The March Breakfast will be on 8 March.

For our latest breakfast topics go to our YouTube PlayList

For past breakfast topics from 2022 see below.

In September, we explored Spiritual Formation and Emotional Health lessons from the Bible highlighted by John Mark Comer …

John Mark Comer, a pastor and author, talks to a gathering of pastors in Canada at the beginning of 2020 for about an hour.  While we are not all pastors, there are interesting biblical reflections we can apply to our own lives as men.  Listen to it before (ideally) or after we meet. Look forward to talking with you about it. I particularly liked the passages of the Bible he used to ground his talk.

In July, we explored some lessons from the Emotional life of David and what it means for our resilience as men …

David was a shepherd, soldier, king, poet and musician. He was a man like us, and he suffered many trials and tribulations – some of his own making.  It would be easy to think that David was naturally resilient, able to cope easily with whatever adversity came his way but even David had limitations. In 1 Samuel 20, we find David facing perhaps his darkest day. We will focus our attention as we seek to learn lesson from David’s emotional resilience.

In June, we explored some lessons from the Physical life of Elijah and what it means for our resilience as men …

Elijah was a great prophet, but he was also a man like us, and he had hard times when he was afraid. If Elijah could crumble and lose faith after a great victory, then so can we. Sometimes we keep going while we are working on important projects, but as soon as we take a break from them, or go back home, we become ill or feel depressed. We will consider how God helped Elijah to become more physically resilient in time of stress.

In May, we explored some lessons from the Spiritual life of Nehemiah and what it means for our resilience as men …

Nehemiah’s great achievement was to take a bunch of dispirited and downhearted individuals and in spite of much opposition and danger, motivated families to work together in a hostile environment to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in 52 days!

Nehemiah demonstrated the capacity to deal with pressure, and to make the best of any situation. He faced many setbacks, yet never gave up. Nehemiah teaches us about resilience, and in particular the spiritual dimension behind this important characteristic in chapters 1-6 in the book that bears his name, Nehemiah.

Click here to enjoy this write-up of 10 lessons from Nehemiah’s Spiritual life

In April, we heard from Ian McMeekin on you and God …

Ian shared his life travels with God so far and our need to find the reality of God. We need a “captain sensible” in our lives to introduce us to God, ask us whether we want to become a Christian and welcome us home. Once home, you will be transformed by God’s peace, direction, stability, sense of knowing … you will value God’s presence over the things of this world. No more plot spoilers, Enjoy. Be encouraged. it’s about you and Him. He is worth the wait.  Read “Wait” by Russell Kelfer.

Ian McMeekin at Men’s Breakfast, 2 April 2022

In March, we heard from Michael Marks on coming home …

Michael Marks shares a few words about his walk with Jesus and how he came to Gold Hill.  Grab a cuppa to hear Michael’s story from being the youngest of 3 in 1944/45, half pennies, scouts, commitment, discouragement, disillusionment until 1983 then … sorry no plot spoilers here. Enjoy and be encouraged.

Michael Marks at Men’s Breakfast, 5 March 2022

In January, we started 2022 right…

At our 8 January Men’s Breakfast, we looked forward into 2022 asking for God’s wisdom and inspiration.

To start 2022 right, we did two things. One, we heard a talk by Steve Gaukrodger, a former pastor at Goldhill, who talked on “How can we be ambassadors of hope in this pandemic world both individually as followers of Jesus Christ (the hope of the world), and corporately as a Church (Job 11:13-20)”. Two, we invited and welcomed our women friends, our sisters, in person and online to ensure the whole body of Christ would be inspired and encouraged for the 12 months to come. Enjoy this hopeful and practical talk for the whole of 2022.

Steve Gaukroger at Men’s Breakfast, 8 January 2022