We are starting off our year by devoting ourselves to God in prayer. This should give you all the information and inspiration you need to join in. If you’d like all this info in a printable format, click on the button to download and print.
Theme for our Prayers
The theme this year is ‘Further In, Further Out’, drawing closer to God to go further out with Him into His world. Each Sunday, we will kick off a different part of that to fuel our prayers throughout the week.
Sun 9 Jan – ‘Further In, Further Out’
Sun 16 Jan – ‘Step into the Flow of the Spirit’
Sun 23 Jan – ‘All In or All Out’
Sun 30 Jan – ‘Further and Further Out’
In your own times of prayer, or as you meet with others, pray into these ideas and themes, inspired by what you hear on Sundays, and join in!
Use our Prayer Room
We have our new prayer room set up and ready to go! It can be booked online at goldhill.org/prayerroom from 8am till 11pm each day, so book in by yourself or with others. We would love to see it filled with people as the throne room of Heaven is filled with our prayers.
Praying with Others
During this month, it would be great for everyone to take time praying not just by themselves but also with others. There are a couple of ways we encourage you to do so:
- DIY Prayer Meetings: organise your own time to meet and pray with others. One other person, your family, your Life Group, at home, on Zoom, on a walk, in the Prayer Room. It’s all up to you!
- Church Prayer Times: we have two scheduled: 26 January 8pm will be all about praying into a release of creativity, and 1 Feb will be our first 2022 church Day of Prayer with a prayer meeting in the evening at 8pm.
Our Verse for the Year
We have chosen as Gold Hill’s verse for the year Zechariah 4:6.

It is a great verse to pray, often and in every situation, so let it rest in your mind and heart and bubble up in your prayers this year. To find out more about the verse, why we’ve chosen it and to get version of it for your phone’s Lock Screen, head to goldhill.org/2022verse.
Daily inspiration for your Prayers
To inspire prayer and give some fuel, we send daily prayer prompts (Mon to Fri) straight to your phone via WhatsApp. A different theme each week, with a brilliant team putting them together. During this time of prayer focus, the themes will be the same as the weekly themes overleaf.
To sign up to the WhatsApp prayer prompts:
- Save the Number: add 07593 365431 to your phone’s contacts (you can call it GH Prayer or something like that)
- Send a message: open up WhatsApp and send a message to the new contact (just say ‘Sign Up’)
- Pray! You will now receive these messages each morning as fuel for your prayers.
Other Ways to Grow in Prayer
Prayer is wonderful, but it’s often something many of us what some help to grow in and becomes stronger at. We recommend these:
Step Up Your Prayer Life:
This is a resource from our new ‘Take a Step’ discipleship pathway. It is 4 sessions to go through as a pair or a small group, with things to discuss and things to do. Who could you ask to take this step with you and together step up your prayer lives? (You can download a copy here or pick one up at church – while you’re there, have a look round at what else is on offer!)
Spirit Walk (Steve Smith)
This is an inspiring read to help take your prayer life to a new level.

Lectio 365 (app)
This app gives you a guided prayer and meditation time every single day, and lots of people at Gold Hill have been finding it so useful.