Around the world between 3rd and 12th October, followers of Jesus will be taking time to fast and pray, turning to God in repentance, worship and praise. As a church family, we are choosing to join this global prayer time and turn personally and collectively to our Father in prayer, repentance and worship. Can we encourage you to take time to turn off computers or devices and pray? Turn away from sin and repent. Turn down certain things as you fast and turn to God in prayer and worship and seek Him for renewal and revival.

Turning is an opportunity to pause intentionally and take time to seek God at a personal level, for our church, local community, nation and the lost. Turning to God, Turning from distractions and excuses, Turning towards God’s promises and Jesus’ return.
One of the keys to taking 10 days of Turning to God is to consistently build in a daily corporate time of prayer and worship, with fasting. Many who have taken the 10 days intentionally have experienced a sense of going deeper in their faith journey, of love for God and others. Hour by hour it can be like a journey to the core of who we are and an opportunity for realigning our choices to be biblical and express full devotion to Jesus.
Personal Pausing
In 2024, we have a focus on Personal Pausing (taking time off where possible) and asking God to show us if there are areas where we can go deeper and be more on fire for God. Repentance also for our nation’s situation of rebellion against God and His perfect plans. Longing for Jesus return and for His Kingdom to be established and prayer for unity across the whole Bride of Christ which includes a reconnection with our Messianic Jewish family.
During the Turning at Gold Hill this Autumn, together we will seek God for what He is building into us as a church family as foundational blocks:
- Bible Saturated
- Reliant on the Spirit
- Expectant in Prayer
- People focused

What will happen?
During the 10 days, there are many opportunities to meet with others to pray with others in person and online. The full list is shown below. This includes three special events which will be led by guest speakers:
3 October 7.30-9 pm
Grant and Hali Berry will lead our launch celebration sharing on John 17 Unity and Preparation of the Bride of Christ. Grant is author of the book Romans 911- Time to Sound the Alarm!. It is the first day of Jewish Festival Rosh Hashana which is about God’s Judgment and marks a time of repentance and resetting at the start of the Jewish New Year.

We will provide a buffet finger food supper so please sign up if you plan to attend.
7 October 8-9.30 pm
Guests from India will share and lead prayers on Revival in the UK. On the anniversary of the start of the Gaza conflict, there will also be prayers for Israel and the Jewish people. See
11 October 8-9.30 pm
Eric and Sarah Clottey from Farnham and Hedgerly Community Church will lead an evening of praise and worship.

Day by Day
Each of the ten days has a biblical theme and a focus on part of the world.
Keeping it up after 10 days
This website contains other resources and ideas to support your prayer life.
Do you know about Gold Hill’s daily prayer prompts?
A small team at Gold Hill writes prompts for prayer each week, which are sent via Whatsapp, on weekdays, Monday to Friday at 7am. If you’d like to receive these, just sign up, by adding 07593 365431 to your phone contacts, and then send a message “Sign Up” via WhatsApp.